please see knitr Performance Report–Attempt 3, knitr Performance Report-Attempt 2 and knitr Performance Report-Attempt 1
alstated’s asked a very good question in his comment on knitr Performance Report–Attempt 3, and I’m not sure I could have answered well until I endured some frustrations with Sweave. I actually did not use knitr for that report, and I struggled with many of the issues that knitr addresses. knitr’s power comes in its extra ability to control output with additional chunk options described in, so no more wide, textblock, etc. latex commands.
A very prominent R Finance contributor also alerted me to the dprint (be aware in pre-Alpha) package from Carl Brickner presented at userR! 2010 and also at . To use, you will have to manually install with the command:
install.packages("dprint", repos="")
For the final pdf, use the knit2pdf command from knitr:
I was delighted with the result and probably will abandon the Sweave-direct option. Thanks to Carl for dprint and Yihui for knitr. If you do not see the embedded pdf below, please get directly through
\documentclass{article} | |
%great guides at epslatex.pdf | |
%check miniplot for potential use | |
\usepackage{graphics} | |
\usepackage{caption} | |
%\usepackage{sidecap} | |
%\usepackage{textpos} | |
\usepackage[section]{placeins} | |
\title{Performance Report from knitr} | |
\author{Timely Portfolio} | |
\begin{document} | |
\maketitle | |
\SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE} | |
<<eval=TRUE,echo=FALSE,results='hide',warning=FALSE>>= | |
#do requires and set up environment for reporting | |
require(ggplot2) | |
require(directlabels) | |
require(reshape2) | |
require(lattice) | |
require(latticeExtra) | |
require(xtable) | |
require(dprint) | |
require(quantmod) | |
require(PerformanceAnalytics) | |
#trying some new colors out | |
mycolors=c(brewer.pal(9,"Blues")[c(7,5)],brewer.pal(9,"Greens")[6]) | |
#mycolors=c(brewer.pal(6,"Blues)[c(3,5)],"slategray4") | |
data(managers) | |
#get xts in df form so that we can melt with the reshape package | |
#will use just manager 1, sp500, and 10y treasury | |
managers <- managers[,c(1,8,9)] | |
#add 0 at beginning so cumulative returns start at 1 | |
#also cumulative will match up datewise with returns | |
managers <- as.xts(rbind(rep(0,NCOL(managers)),coredata(managers)), | |[1],"%Y-%m-01"))-1,index(managers))) | |
managers.df <-,coredata(managers)),stringsAsFactors=FALSE) | |
#melt data which puts in a form that lattice and ggplot enjoy | |
managers.melt <- melt(managers.df,id.vars=1) | |
colnames(managers.melt) <- c("date","account","return") | |
managers.melt[,1] <- as.Date(managers.melt[,1]) | |
#get cumulative returns starting at 1 | |
managers.cumul <- as.xts( | |
apply(managers+1,MARGIN=2,FUN=cumprod), | |
#add end of first month to accommodate the 1 that we add | | | |
managers.cumul.df <-, | |
coredata(managers.cumul)), | |
stringsAsFactors=FALSE) | |
managers.cumul.melt <- melt(managers.cumul.df,id.vars=1) | |
colnames(managers.cumul.melt) <- c("date","account","return") | |
managers.cumul.melt[,1] <- as.Date(managers.cumul.melt[,1]) | |
#this is tricky but necessary | |
#reorder accounts and indexes to preserve order with manager and then benchmarks | |
managers.cumul.melt$account <- factor(as.character(managers.cumul.melt$account),colnames(managers)[c(2,3,1)],ordered=TRUE) | |
#get rolling returns for 1y, 3y, 5y, since inception | |
trailing <- table.TrailingPeriods(managers[,c(2,3,1)], periods=c(12,36,60,NROW(managers)),FUNCS=c("Return.annualized"),funcs.names=c("return")) | |
trailing.df <-"1y","3y","5y",paste("Since Inception ",format(index(managers)[1],"%b %Y"),sep="")), | |
c(rep("return",4)), #will allow for multiple measures if we decide to include later | |
coredata(trailing)), | |
stringsAsFactors=TRUE) | |
trailing.melt <- melt(trailing.df,id.vars=1:2) | |
colnames(trailing.melt) <- c("period","measure","account","value") | |
#this is tricky but necessary | |
#reorder the period so that they will be in correct chronological order | |
trailing.melt$period <- factor(as.character(trailing.melt$period),rev(c("1y","3y","5y",paste("Since Inception ",format(index(managers),"%b %Y"),sep=""))),ordered=TRUE) | |
#reorder accounts and indexes to preserve order with manager and then benchmarks | |
trailing.melt$account <- factor(as.character(trailing.melt$account),colnames(managers)[c(3,2,1)],ordered=TRUE) | |
@ | |
%\newpage | |
\section{Overview} | |
This section should serve as a dashboard or executive summary for quick and easy access to the most informative risk and return measures. Also, most marketing will have a text description of the strategy, process, objective, category, and potential investments of the product. | |
\newpage | |
\section{Returns} | |
Unfortunately, the Return section is generally the focus of the sales pitch and also is often the biggest concern for the prospect. Although it easiest to sell on return in the short-term, long-term success requires much more focus on the graphs presented in the Overview and Risk sections. | |
\begin{figure}[!htb] | |
<<echo=FALSE,eval=TRUE,fig=TRUE,width=8,height=8,out.width='0.9\\linewidth',fig.keep='high'>>= | |
#while latticeExtra theEconomist.theme is beautiful | |
#I wanted to stretch my knowledge, so I will start from scratch | |
#example given to left justify strip | |
# | |
stripfun <- function(which.given, which.panel,factor.levels, ...){ | |
grid.rect(name = trellis.grobname("bg", type = "strip"), | |
gp = gpar(fill = "seashell3", col = "seashell3")) | |
panel.text(x=0.10, y=0.5, | |
lab = factor.levels[which.panel[which.given]], | |
adj=0, font=3, cex=1.3) | |
} | |
#heavily stripped and modified theEconomist.axis() from latticeExtra | |
timely.axis <- function (side = c("top", "bottom", "left", "right"), scales, | |
components, ..., labels = c("default", "yes", "no"), ticks = c("default", | |
"yes", "no"), line.col, noleft=TRUE) | |
{ | |
side <- match.arg(side) | |
if (side == "top") return() | |
labels <- match.arg(labels) | |
ticks <- match.arg(ticks) | |
if (side %in% c("left", "right")) { | |
if (side == "right") { | |
scales$draw=TRUE | |
labels <- "no" | |
ticks <- "no" | |
} | |
if (side == "left") { | |
labels <- "yes" | |
ticks <- "yes" | |
} | |
} | |
axis.default(side, scales = scales, components = components, | |
..., labels = labels, ticks = ticks, line.col = "black") | |
if (side == "right" ) {#& panel.number()==1) { | |
comp.list <- components[["right"]] | |
if (!is.list(comp.list)) | |
comp.list <- components[["left"]] | |
panel.refline(h = comp.list$ticks$at) | |
lims <- current.panel.limits() | |
panel.abline(h = lims$y[1], col = "black") | |
} | |
} | |
#set up ylimits to use for the two scales | |
ylimits<-c(pretty(c(min(managers.cumul.melt$return), | |
max(managers.cumul.melt$return)),4),as.numeric(round(last(managers.cumul)[,order(last(managers.cumul))],2))) | |
ylabels<-c(ylimits[1:(length(ylimits)-3)],colnames(managers)[order(last(managers.cumul))]) | |
returns <- list( | |
bar = barchart(account~value|period,col=mycolors,data=trailing.melt, | |
layout=c(1,4), | |
box.ratio=100, | |
origin=0, | |
reference=TRUE, | |
par.settings= | |
list( | |
par.main.text = list(font = 1, cex=1.5, just = "left",x = grid::unit(5, "mm")), | |
axis.line = list(col = NA)), | |
scales=list(x=list( | |
limits=c(0,max(trailing.melt$value)+0.025), #snug labels right up to bars by setting to 0 | |
at=pretty(trailing.melt$value), | |
labels=paste(round(100*as.numeric(pretty(trailing.melt$value)), 2), "%", sep="") | |
)), | |
xlab=NULL, | |
axis = timely.axis, | |
strip=stripfun, | |
strip.left=FALSE, | |
panel=function(...) { | |
panel.barchart(...) | |
tmp <- list(...) | |
tmp <- data.frame(x=tmp$x, y=tmp$y) | |
# add text labels | |
panel.text(x=tmp$x, y=tmp$y, | |
label=sprintf("%1.2f%%", tmp$x * 100 ), | |
cex=1, col="black", pos=4) | |
}, | |
main="Annualized Returns"), | |
cumulgrowth = | |
xyplot(return~date,groups=account,data=managers.cumul.melt, | |
# col=mycolors, | |
type="l",lwd=3, | |
xlab=NULL, | |
ylab=NULL, | |
par.settings= | |
list( | |
par.main.text = list(font = 1, cex=1.5, just = "left",x = grid::unit(5, "mm")), | |
axis.line = list(col = "transparent"), | |
superpose.line=list(col=mycolors)), #do this for direct.label | |
scales=list(x=list(alternating=1,at=index(managers)[endpoints(managers,"years")], | |
labels=format(index(managers)[endpoints(managers,"years")],"%Y")), | |
y=list(alternating=3,at=ylimits,labels=ylabels)), | |
axis=function (side = c("top", "bottom", "left", "right"), scales, | |
components, ..., labels = c("default", "yes", "no"), ticks = c("default", | |
"yes", "no"), line.col){ | |
side <- match.arg(side) | |
labels <- match.arg(labels) | |
ticks <- match.arg(ticks) | |
axis.text <- trellis.par.get("axis.text") | |
if(side == "top") return() | |
if(side == "right") { | |
components[["right"]]<-components[["left"]] | |
components[["right"]]$ticks$at <- components[["right"]]$ticks$at[5:7] | |
components[["right"]]$labels$at <- components[["right"]]$labels$at[5:7] | |
components[["right"]]$labels$labels <- components[["right"]]$labels$labels[5:7] | |
} | |
if(side %in% c("bottom","right")){ | |
axis.default(side, scales = scales, components = components, | |
..., labels = labels, ticks = ticks, line.col = axis.text$col) | |
if (side == "right") { | |
comp.list <- components[["left"]] | |
panel.refline(h = comp.list$ticks$at[1:4]) | |
lims <- current.panel.limits() | |
panel.abline(h = lims$y[1], col = axis.text$col) | |
comp.list.left<-components[["left"]] | |
comp.list.left$ticks$at <- components[["left"]]$ticks$at[1:4] | |
comp.list.left$labels$at <- components[["left"]]$labels$at[1:4] | |
comp.list.left$labels$labels <- components[["left"]]$labels$labels[1:4] | |
panel.axis(side="left",at=comp.list.left$ticks$at,outside=TRUE) | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
main=paste("Cumulative Growth Since Inception ",format(index(managers)[1],"%B %Y"),sep="")) | |
) | |
print(returns$cumulgrowth,position=c(0,0.6,1,1),more=TRUE) | |
print(returns$bar,position=c(0,0,1,0.6)) | |
@ | |
%\end{minipage} | |
\begin{center} | |
<<echo=FALSE,eval=TRUE,results='tex'>>= | |
percent <- function(x, digits = 2, format = "f", ...) | |
{ | |
paste(formatC(100 * x, format = format, digits = digits, ...), "%", sep = "") | |
} | |
trailingtable <- apply(trailing,MARGIN=2,FUN=percent) | |
rownames(trailingtable) <- c("1y","3y","5y",paste("Since Inception ",format(index(managers)[1],"%b %Y"))) | |
#commented out because I like the dprint better than xtable | |
#print(xtable(trailingtable), floating=FALSE) | |
@ | |
\end{center} | |
\end{figure} | |
\begin{figure}[!htb] | |
\begin{center} | |
<<echo=FALSE,eval=TRUE,fig=TRUE,warning=FALSE,results='hide',out.width='0.5\\linewidth'>>= | |
win.graph(width=6,height=6) | |
cal_returns <- table.CalendarReturns(managers)[,13:15] | |
cal_returns.df <-,apply(cal_returns/100,MARGIN=2,percent))) | |
colnames(cal_returns.df)[1] <- "Date" | |
dprint(data=cal_returns.df,label="Date",pg.dim=c(6,6),fit=TRUE,margins=c(0,0,0,0), | |
main="Returns By Year",row.hl=row.hl(which(cal_returns[,1]<0),col="indianred1")) | | | |
@ | |
\end{center} | |
\end{figure} | |
\newpage | |
\section{Risk} | |
\end{document} |
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