require(quantmod) |
require(colorRamps) |
#get currency data from the FED FRED data series |
getSymbols("DEXKOUS",src="FRED") #load Korea |
getSymbols("DEXMAUS",src="FRED") #load Malaysia |
getSymbols("DEXSIUS",src="FRED") #load Singapore |
getSymbols("DEXTAUS",src="FRED") #load Taiwan |
getSymbols("DEXCHUS",src="FRED") #load China |
getSymbols("DEXJPUS",src="FRED") #load Japan |
getSymbols("DEXTHUS",src="FRED") #load Thailand |
getSymbols("DEXBZUS",src="FRED") #load Brazil |
getSymbols("DEXMXUS",src="FRED") #load Mexico |
getSymbols("DEXINUS",src="FRED") #load India |
getSymbols("DGS10",src="FRED") #load US 10y yield |
colnames(currencies)<-c("Korea","Malaysia","Singapore","Taiwan", |
"China","Japan","Thailand","Brazil","Mexico","India") |
currencies<-na.omit(currencies) |
currencies.roc<-currencies/lag(currencies)-1 |
currencies.roc[1,]<-0 |
US10y.roc <- diff(DGS10, lag=1) |
US10y.roc[1,] <- 0 |
curr.10y <- na.omit(merge(currencies.roc,US10y.roc)) |
#chart.Correlation(curr.10y) |
#get rolling correlation of currencies versus the US 10y yield |
corr <- as.xts(apply(curr.10y[,1:10],MARGIN=2,FUN=runCor,y=curr.10y[,11],n=500), |
order.by=index(curr.10y)) |
#order correlations by their ending value |
corr <- corr[, order(t(last(corr)),decreasing=TRUE)] |
#thanks Joshua Ulrich for showing me how to do this |
#stuff we reuse |
labs=colnames(corr) |
colors=ygobb(15)[3:12] |
#make plot |
layout(matrix(1:2, 2),heights=c(8,5)) |
par(mar=c(2,4,4,5),oma=c(2,1,2,0)) |
plot.zoo(corr,col=colors,lwd=2,screens=1,xlab=NA,ylab="Rolling Correlation",las=1) |
#this is the primary change Joshua Ulrich made |
#to allow a much nicer labelling of points on a right vertical margin |
axis(4, coredata(last(corr)),labels=FALSE) |
mtext(labs, 4, at=coredata(last(corr)), col=colors,las=1,line=1,cex=0.5) |
title(main="Foreign Currencies to US10y Yield |
Rolling 500 day (2-year) Correlation",cex.main=1.25, |
adj=0,outer=TRUE,line=-2) |
par(mar=c(4,4,2,4)) |
barplot(last(corr),las=1,beside=TRUE,col=colors, |
names.arg=labs, ylab=NA, |
ylim=c(-0.5,0.5),cex.names=0.7,border="gray70") |
title(main="Latest 500-day (2-year) Correlation", |
cex.main=0.8,adj=0) |
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