Friday, January 6, 2012

Few’s Bullets in Axys Reports

Just a couple of days ago, I would have said what I am about to show was impossible in Axys reports.  However, with the very fine work from Fabrice Rimlinger and a little stretching of the boundaries, I have been able to get bullet performance graphs in an Axys performance report.  For more on Stephen Few’s innovative bullet charts, see or for his books see

Just like in Axys Combo Incremental Improvement, we will run a custom report (in this case an amended Axys perhist perhstsp.rep) and use excelgrf_macros.xlsm to get our new macro sparkbullet.

From TimelyPortfolio
From TimelyPortfolio

And we get something amazing but not all that pretty.  I’ll take it though.  Please see the updated Better Bullets for an even better version of this chart.

From TimelyPortfolio