#explore exceptional case of the Russell 2000 |
require(quantmod) |
require(PerformanceAnalytics) |
require(xtsExtra) |
getSymbols("^RUT", from = "1900-01-01") |
getSymbols("^GSPC", from = "1900-01-01") |
#do initial exploration of distribution |
chart.QQPlot(na.omit(ROC(RUT[,4],type="discrete",n=250))["1987::"]) |
chart.QQPlot(na.omit(ROC(GSPC[,4],type="discrete",n=250))["1987::"]) |
#explore barplot.xts to do a chart of annual returns for both indexes |
#merge prices |
prices <- merge(GSPC[,4],RUT[,4]) |
#use endpoints to get annual returns |
returns.annual <- as.xts(apply( |
ROC(prices[endpoints(prices,"years")],type="discrete",n=1), |
MARGIN = 2, |
FUN = na.fill, fill = 0), |
order.by = index(prices[endpoints(prices,"years")])) |
#name columns something a little more clear |
colnames(returns.annual) <- c("S&P 500","Russell 2000") |
#using barplot.xts create the plot |
#I made some subtle changes to barplot.xts to experiment so plot will be cosmetically different |
barplot.xts(returns.annual, |
stacked=FALSE, |
box="transparent", #get rid of box surrounding the plot |
ylim=c(-0.5,0.5), |
ylab=NA, |
border=c(brewer.pal(n=11,"BrBG")[c(4,9)]), |
col=c(brewer.pal(n=11,"BrBG")[c(4,9)])) #deliberately trying some new colors |
title(main="Annual Returns of S&P 500 and Russell 2000", |
outer = TRUE, |
adj=0.05, font.main = 1, cex.main = 1.25, line = -2) |
require(latticeExtra) |
require(reshape2) |
roc <- na.omit(merge(ROC(GSPC[,4],type="discrete",n=250),ROC(RUT[,4],type="discrete",n=250))) |
#name columns something a little more clear |
colnames(roc) <- c("S&P 500","Russell 2000") |
roc.melt <- melt(coredata(roc)) |
asTheEconomist( |
densityplot(~value,data=roc.melt,groups=Var2, |
#par.settings=theEconomist.theme(box="transparent"), |
#lattice.options=theEconomist.opts(), |
auto.key=list(space="right",col=(brewer.pal(n=11,"BrBG")[c(9,4)]),lines=FALSE), |
col=(brewer.pal(n=11,"BrBG")[c(9,4)]), |
ylab=NA, |
main="Annual Returns (Rolling 250 Day) of S&P 500 and Russell 2000") |
) |