(for all plot.xts posts, see http://timelyportfolio.blogspot.com/search/label/plot.xts)
As another example of all that we can do with the new plot.xts, let’s try to do a price plot with a moving average overlays. We will use the ETFs shown by Mebane Faber at http://www.mebanefaber.com/timing-model/. With the panel functionality, it is very easy to specify a panel to draw the price line and then add the calculated moving average. Notice how in all the examples, the recession block appears easily and very nicely.
![]() |
From TimelyPortfolio |
Also, if you wanted to specify some funky layouts, we have that option. For this case, I do not think it makes much sense, but in the future I will demonstrate some more appropriate uses.
![]() |
From TimelyPortfolio |
Or as one more example, let’s change it up just slightly.
![]() |
From TimelyPortfolio |
R code in GIST (do raw for copy/paste and also install xtsExtra from r-forge):
#install.packages("xtsExtra", repos="http://R-Forge.R-project.org") | |
require(quantmod) | |
require(RColorBrewer) | |
require(xtsExtra) #if you get an error, see first line and install from r-forge | |
#use Mebane Faber tickers VTI, VEU, IEF, VNQ, DBC | |
#as discussed in http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=962461 | |
tckrs <- c("VTI", "VEU", "IEF", "VNQ", "DBC") | |
getSymbols(tckrs, from = "2000-01-01") | |
prices <- get(tckrs[1])[,6] | |
for (i in 2:length(tckrs)) { | |
prices <- na.omit(merge(prices, get(tckrs[i])[,6])) | |
} | |
ma.panel <- function (index, x, col, ...) { | |
#draw line for price | |
default.panel(index, x, col, ...) | |
#label each panel with first 3 characters of column name | |
mtext(substr(colnames(x), 1, 3), side = 3, cex = 0.8, line = -2.5, adj = 0.5, col = col) | |
#now get n=200 moving average | |
ma <- runMean(x, n = 200) | |
#add the moving average line | |
default.panel(index, ma, col="indianred1", ...) | |
abline(h=pretty(c(par("yaxp")[1],par("yaxp")[2]),n=par("yaxp")[3]),col="gray60",lty=3,lwd=0.5) | |
#abline(h=par("yaxp")[1], col="black") | |
} | |
plot.xts(prices, | |
las = 1, #no rotate for y axis tickmark labels | |
panel = ma.panel, #do the moving average panel to overlay moving average lines | |
auto.grid = FALSE, #get some extra contol of grid | |
col = brewer.pal("Set1", n = 7)[c(2:5,7)], | |
main = NA, | |
blocks = list(start.time = "2007-12-01", end.time = "2009-06-01", col="lightblue")) | |
title(main = "ETFs (www.mebanefaber.com) and 200 day Moving Average", adj = 0.05, outer = TRUE, line = -2) | |
mtext("source: Yahoo! Finance", outer = TRUE, side = 1, adj = 0.94, font = 1, cex = 0.7, line = -1) | |
#not sure why you would want to do something like this | |
#but for example purposes | |
#we can change the layout radically with plot.xts | |
plot.xts(prices, | |
screens = c(1,2,4,3,5), | |
layout.screens = matrix(c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,5), nrow = 2, byrow = FALSE), #to see how the matrix works print the matrix print(matrix(c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,5), nrow = 2, byrow = FALSE)) | |
ylim = matrix(c(range(prices[,c(1,2,4)]),range(prices[,c(1,2,4)]),range(prices[,c(1,2,4)]),range(prices[,3]),range(prices[,5])), | |
byrow=TRUE,ncol=2), | |
las = 1, #no rotate for y axis tickmark labels | |
panel = ma.panel, #do the moving average panel to overlay moving average lines | |
auto.grid = FALSE, #get some extra contol of grid | |
col = brewer.pal("Set1", n = 7)[c(2:5,7)], | |
main = NA, | |
minor.ticks = FALSE, | |
major.format = "%Y", | |
blocks = list(start.time = "2007-12-01", end.time = "2009-06-01", col="lightblue")) | |
title(main = "ETFs (www.mebanefaber.com) and 200 day Moving Average", adj = 0.05, outer = TRUE, line = -2) | |
mtext("source: Yahoo! Finance", outer = TRUE, side = 1, adj = 0.94, font = 1, cex = 0.7, line = -1) | |
plot.xts(prices, | |
screens = c(1,2,4,3,5), | |
layout.screens = matrix(c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,5,4,5), nrow = 2, byrow = FALSE), #to see how the matrix works print the matrix print(matrix(c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,5,4,5), nrow = 2, byrow = FALSE)) | |
ylim = matrix(c(range(prices[,c(1,2,4)]),range(prices[,c(1,2,4)]),range(prices[,c(1,2,4)]),range(prices[,3]),range(prices[,5])), | |
byrow=TRUE,ncol=2), | |
las = 1, #no rotate for y axis tickmark labels | |
panel = ma.panel, #do the moving average panel to overlay moving average lines | |
auto.grid = FALSE, #get some extra contol of grid | |
col = brewer.pal("Set1", n = 7)[c(2:5,7)], | |
main = NA, | |
minor.ticks = FALSE, | |
major.format = "%Y", | |
blocks = list(start.time = "2007-12-01", end.time = "2009-06-01", col="lightblue")) | |
title(main = "ETFs (www.mebanefaber.com) and 200 day Moving Average", adj = 0.05, outer = TRUE, line = -2) | |
mtext("source: Yahoo! Finance", outer = TRUE, side = 1, adj = 0.94, font = 1, cex = 0.7, line = -1) |
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