Sunday, February 3, 2013

Japanese Government Bonds (JGB) Total Return Series

In a follow up to Yen and JGBs Short-Term vs Long Term and a series of posts on Japan, I thought the Bloomberg article "Japan Pension Fund’s Bonds Too Many If Abe Succeeds, Mitani Says" was particularly interesting.  It is difficult to find a total return series for the JGBS, so here is an example of how we might construct it in R with the JGB 9 year. Using the 9 year gets us about a decade more data than the 10 year.  The calculation is not perfect but it gets us very close.

The Japanese Pension Fund (GPIF) has been spoiled by a very pleasant ride with their JGBs.

From TimelyPortfolio

R code from GIST:

#get Japan yield data from the Ministry of Finance Japan
#data goes back to 1974
#get data from the Japanese Ministry of Finance
url <- ""
filenames <- paste("jgbcme",c("","_2010","_2000-2009","_1990-1999","_1980-1989","_1974-1979"),".csv",sep="")
#load all data and combine into one jgb data.frame
jgb <- read.csv(paste(url,filenames[1],sep=""),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
for (i in 2:length(filenames)) {
jgb <- rbind(jgb,read.csv(paste(url,"/historical/",filenames[i],sep=""),stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
#now clean up the jgb data.frame to make a jgb yield xts series
jgb.xts <- as.xts(data.matrix(jgb[,2:NCOL(jgb)]),[,1]))
#initialize the price return object
#use quantlib to price the JGB 9 year
#9 year has a longer history than the 10 year so we'll use 9 year
for (i in 1:(NROW(jgb.xts[,"X9"])-1)) {
maturityDate= advance("Japan", Sys.Date(), 9, 3),
#total return will be the price return + yield/12 for one month
JGB9totalreturn[1,1] <- 0
JGB9cumul <- cumprod(JGB9totalreturn+1)
title(main="Japanese Government Bond (JGB) 9 Year Total Return",adj=0.04,outer=TRUE,line=-1.5)

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