Thursday, December 20, 2012

Shiny/R Conversion of Another One of My Favorite Mike Bostock d3 Examples

Mike Bostock has revolutionized visualization with his d3 and his seemingly infinite examples.  In another adaptation of his amazing work, I will adapt one of my favorite examples to supplement the interactive scatterplot with data supplied by R through Shiny.  Often in finance, we will use a scatterplot to explore the relationship between different asset classes or risk exposures.  This exploration becomes much more deep and meaningful when we can interact in real-time with the plot.

I thought using the technique to look at the monthly returns of Vanguard funds representing different exposures would be helpful.  A clear linear relationship immediately shows up between the equity funds (VFINX-Vanguard S&P 500, VDMIX-Vanguard Developed Markets, and VEIEX-Vanguard Emerging Markets).  Also, we can see the very beneficial effect of VBMFX-Vanguard Total US Bond throughout what we know was a tumultuous period.

Live example hosted at Glimmer (IE does not correctly render IFRAME below)

Code at Github

Shiny SVG no d3–New and Improved

The fine author Joe Cheng of RStudio Shiny suggested in this Google Groups message to use htmlOutput rather than the ugly hack in my last post R Shiny svg with no d3.  As I should have known, it works great and eliminates all the useless javascript.  Unless, you dig into the code, nothing changes, but I have posted a new glimmer live example and the code at Github.  For the ambitious, please feel free to use d3 now or other code to show how we could change colors and other aesthetics with javascript.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

R Shiny svg with no d3

see Shiny SVG no d3–New and Improved for a better version

Paul Murrell’s Technical Report reminded me that svg in the browser does not require d3.  With his package gridSVG, we can do all sorts of wonderful things without leaving R.  I think I prefer the power of d3.js, but here is an example of R creating svg from a lattice plot with gridSVG and then sending to the browser through Shiny.

Here is the code at github.

Monday, December 17, 2012

From d3 to pdf (hopefully knitr) with R Shiny

Although I think I like the d3, R, and Shiny team the best, I could definitely envision a big need for multi-page pdf reports created with R, knitr, and latex delivered to the browser with Shiny.  Shiny helpfully provides pre-built functionality to send .png charts and graphics created by R to the web.  This works especially well since most browsers offer containers for the graphics that can dynamically change.

In this quick experiment, I use the pdf() dev function from R instead of the hoped for knit2pdf to see if sending the binary pdf data is possible.  It seems the downloadHandler function from Shiny only currently handles text.  The downloadHandler function from Shiny also serves up downloads well.  I have included the code to get that to work also if you prefer this behavior.

Try it out at  It seems to work with the newest Chrome and IE.


Code at Github.

Friday, December 14, 2012

d3, Shiny, and R Reporting Performance

I thought it would be interesting to offer a little different example of how we can use d3, R, and Rstudio Shiny.  This time we will perform a simple example to report portfolio or index performance.  Just as a test of my progress, I also threw in a jQuery UI accordion effect.

Live example here


Code here

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Shiny, R, d3 Adaptation of Mike Bostock’s Calendar

The idea with all the posts was to learn both d3 and shiny by iterating through multiple experiments.  This example adaptation was my quickest yet at about 30 minutes.  Mike Bostock had done all the hard work, and all I had to do was write about 40 lines of R code to download the index data through getSymbols and Yahoo!Finance and deliver that data to d3.




Wednesday, December 12, 2012

more d3 with shiny and R (CPI from

Extending the marginal success achieved in

d3 Showreel Combined with R and Shiny 

d3 and r interacting through shiny

I have converted to use data supplied by an R load of CPI data through Rstudio's Shiny.  The example does not work perfectly due to some NaN in the d3 path, but I wanted to publish for some feedback.

A live example is here (please be patient since it will download about 6mb before showing anything), and the code is here on Github.


Monday, December 10, 2012

d3 Showreel Combined with R and Shiny

Since the d3 portion of the example provide in my last post d3 and r interacting through shiny was so weak, I thought it would be interesting to combine the much more compelling Showreel Example with the same stock data.  However, this time the data will come from R getSymbols.  Also, most of the plots would be better using cumulative return data, so we will use R to convert the price data into a cumulative return series.

Almost all credit for the code contained in this example goes to Mike Bostock, and although much of the code is now gone, the structure and idea belong to Trestle Technology's Jeff Allen.

See it live in the browser at, and all code is hosted on Github, so please play, experiment, and let me know what great things you do with this.

Friday, December 7, 2012

d3 and r interacting through shiny

I was amazed and delighted by the Reconstruct Gene Networks Using Shiny.  Jeff accomplished what I knew was possible but had absolutely no idea how to implement.  With the boost, I went to work combining his d3 force layout with my d3 experiments discussed in Hi R and Axys, I’m d3.js “Nice to Meet You” (On the Iphone)Unfortunately, I could not figure out how to host the example at See this live at, and for all the source code go to

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Apple Compared to Others with ggthemes

For a happy person delightfully concentrated in Apple, I wanted to show Apple’s performance versus Microsoft and Cisco in decades 1(1990-2000) and 2 (2000-2012).  I thought this would give me a good chance to try out the very interesting work being done at

From TimelyPortfolio

Just as a reference, my general goto chart is theEconomist set from latticeExtra.  Here is how it would look with that method.  I think it is still my favorite.

From TimelyPortfolio

For another chart since 2003 prepared by the far more capable at the Wall Street Journal, see Why Microsoft Beats Apple hat tip from Stock Picking Matters: Apple v Microsoft from The Big Picture by Global Macro Monitor with a hat tip from Jason Zweig.

My best guess in terms of the debate is some other company will resoundingly beat both Microsoft and Apple over the next decade.

R code in GIST:

#to get ggthemes from jrnold github if you have not installed
tckrs <- c("CSCO","MSFT","AAPL","^GSPC")
prices <- na.omit(merge(CSCO[,6],MSFT[,6],AAPL[,6],GSPC[,6]))
colnames(prices) <- c("Cisco","Microsoft","Apple","SP500")
returns <- prices/lag(prices) - 1
returns[1,] <- 0
cumul <- cumprod(returns+1)
cumul.df <-,coredata(cumul)))
cumul.melt <- melt(cumul.df,id.vars=1)
colnames(cumul.melt) <- c("Date","Stock","Cumul")
cumul.melt[,"Date"] <- as.Date(cumul.melt[,"Date"])
ggplot(cumul.melt, aes(x=Date,y=log(Cumul),colour=Stock)) +
geom_line() +
theme_economist() + #if you want to play try theme_wsj() or theme_few()
scale_colour_economist() +
ggtitle("Apple Compared to Others Since 1990")
, list(last.bumpup,hjust=0.45,cex=0.65))
#for reference I will use my old favorite theEconomist from latticeExtra
main="Apple Compared to Microsoft and Cisco Since 1990")
, list(last.bumpup,hjust=0.25,cex=1))