Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Life on the Big International Frontier

Although I have used the Kenneth French data library extensively in various posts, I have not yet used the international data sets paired with the wonderful paper.

Eugene F. Fama and Kenneth R. French (2012) "Size, Value, and Momentum in International Stock Returns", Critical Finance Review

To rectify this home bias, let’s generate some efficient frontiers for the biggest cap stocks by geographic region to see how the frontiers have evolved over the last 20 years.

From TimelyPortfolio

Eventually, I would like to think through some other methods of comparing risk, return, and weights across multiple frontiers.

R code from GIST (do raw for copy/paste):

loadfrench <- function(zipfile, txtfile, skip, nrows) {
#my.url will be the location of the zip file with the data
#this will be the temp file set up for the zip file
#my.usefile is the name of the txt file with the data
download.file(my.url, my.tempfile, method="auto",
quiet = FALSE, mode = "wb",cacheOK = TRUE)
#read space delimited text file extracted from zip
french <- read.table(file=my.usefile,
header = TRUE, sep = "",
as.is = TRUE,
skip = skip, nrows=nrows)
#get dates ready for xts index
datestoformat <- rownames(french)
datestoformat <- paste(substr(datestoformat,1,4),
#get xts for analysis
french_xts <- as.xts(french[,1:NCOL(french)],
#divide by 100 to get percent
french_xts <- french_xts/100
#delete missing data which is denoted by -0.9999
french_xts[which(french_xts < -0.99,arr.ind=TRUE)[,1],
unique(which(french_xts < -0.99,arr.ind=TRUE)[,2])] <- 0
filenames <- c("Global_25_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME","Europe_25_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME","Japan_25_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME","Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_25_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME","North_America_25_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME")
#loop through the filenames to load the file for each region
for (i in 1:length(filenames)) {
assign(substr(filenames[i],1,4), loadfrench(zipfile=filenames[i],txtfile=filenames[i],skip=21,nrows=266))
#merge the data into one xts object for ease of reference and use
big <- get(substr(filenames[1],1,4))[,21:25]
colnames(big) <- paste(substr(filenames[1],1,4),".",c("expensive",2:4,"cheap"),sep="")
#also set up equal weight to just explore the regions bigcap without valuation
big.ew <- as.xts(apply(big,MARGIN=1,FUN=mean),order.by=index(big))
colnames(big.ew) <- substr(filenames[1],1,4)
for (i in 2:length(filenames)) {
temp <- get(substr(filenames[i],1,4))[,21:25]
colnames(temp) <- paste(substr(filenames[i],1,4),".",c("expensive",2:4,"cheap"),sep="")
big <- merge(big,temp)
temp.ew <- as.xts(apply(temp,MARGIN=1,FUN=mean),order.by=index(temp))
colnames(temp.ew) <- substr(filenames[i],1,4)
big.ew <- merge(big.ew,temp.ew)
#use the equal weighted big cap
portfolio <- big.ew #change to big if you want to see the full 5x5
#do a frontier plot full series and then 1990-1999 and 2000-current
#sloppy but it will work
frontier <- list(portfolioFrontier(as.timeSeries(portfolio["::1999",])),
#get colors with topo.colors for the three frontiers
#we will use the first 3 of the 4 supplied
colors <- topo.colors(4)[3:1]
for(i in 1:3) {
frontierPlot(frontier[[i]], pch=19, xlim=c(0,0.10), ylim=c(0,0.015), title=FALSE, col=c(colors[i],colors[i]), add=as.logical(i-1))
# cex=0.65)
#label assets
stats <- getStatistics(frontier[[i]])
#set up function from equalWeightsPoints to also label the point
equalLabel <- function (object, return = c("mean", "mu"), risk = c("Cov", "Sigma",
"CVaR", "VaR"), auto = TRUE, ...)
return = match.arg(return)
risk = match.arg(risk)
data = getSeries(object)
spec = getSpec(object)
constraints = getConstraints(object)
numberOfAssets = getNAssets(object)
setWeights(spec) = rep(1/numberOfAssets, times = numberOfAssets)
ewPortfolio = feasiblePortfolio(data, spec, constraints)
assets = frontierPoints(ewPortfolio, return = return, risk = risk,
auto = auto)
text(assets, labels = "Equal-Weight", pos=4,...)
#label the frontier dates at minvariance point; again very sloppy but it works
# y=frontierPoints(frontier[[i]])[which(frontierPoints(frontier[[i]])[,1]==min(frontierPoints(frontier[[i]])[,1]))[1],2],
# labels=datelabels[i],col=colors[i],pos=2)
title(main="Global Biggest Cap Efficient Frontier",xlab="Risk(cov)",ylab="Monthly Return")
mtext(side=3, text="source: http://mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu/pages/faculty/ken.french/data_library.html",font=3,cex=0.8)
#also parallel coordinates of each of the minvariance might be interesting
minvar <- as.data.frame(rbind((minvariancePoints(frontier[[1]])),(minvariancePoints(frontier[[2]])),(minvariancePoints(frontier[[3]]))))
rownames(minvar) <- datelabels
#might be nice to do animated gif or parallel coordinates of weights or risk/return

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