loadfrench <- function(zipfile, txtfile, skip, nrows) { |
require(xts) |
#my.url will be the location of the zip file with the data |
my.url=paste("http://mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu/pages/faculty/ken.french/ftp/",zipfile,".zip",sep="") |
#this will be the temp file set up for the zip file |
my.tempfile<-paste(tempdir(),"\\frenchzip.zip",sep="") |
#my.usefile is the name of the txt file with the data |
my.usefile<-paste(tempdir(),"\\",txtfile,".txt",sep="") |
download.file(my.url, my.tempfile, method="auto", |
quiet = FALSE, mode = "wb",cacheOK = TRUE) |
unzip(my.tempfile,exdir=tempdir(),junkpath=TRUE) |
#read space delimited text file extracted from zip |
french <- read.table(file=my.usefile, |
header = TRUE, sep = "", |
as.is = TRUE, |
skip = skip, nrows=nrows) |
#get dates ready for xts index |
datestoformat <- rownames(french) |
datestoformat <- paste(substr(datestoformat,1,4), |
substr(datestoformat,5,6),"01",sep="-") |
#get xts for analysis |
french_xts <- as.xts(french[,1:NCOL(french)], |
order.by=as.Date(datestoformat)) |
#divide by 100 to get percent |
french_xts <- french_xts/100 |
#delete missing data which is denoted by -0.9999 |
french_xts[which(french_xts < -0.99,arr.ind=TRUE)[,1], |
unique(which(french_xts < -0.99,arr.ind=TRUE)[,2])] <- 0 |
return(french_xts) |
} |
filenames <- c("Global_25_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME","Europe_25_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME","Japan_25_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME","Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_25_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME","North_America_25_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME") |
#loop through the filenames to load the file for each region |
for (i in 1:length(filenames)) { |
assign(substr(filenames[i],1,4), loadfrench(zipfile=filenames[i],txtfile=filenames[i],skip=21,nrows=266)) |
} |
#merge the data into one xts object for ease of reference and use |
big <- get(substr(filenames[1],1,4))[,21:25] |
colnames(big) <- paste(substr(filenames[1],1,4),".",c("expensive",2:4,"cheap"),sep="") |
#also set up equal weight to just explore the regions bigcap without valuation |
big.ew <- as.xts(apply(big,MARGIN=1,FUN=mean),order.by=index(big)) |
colnames(big.ew) <- substr(filenames[1],1,4) |
for (i in 2:length(filenames)) { |
temp <- get(substr(filenames[i],1,4))[,21:25] |
colnames(temp) <- paste(substr(filenames[i],1,4),".",c("expensive",2:4,"cheap"),sep="") |
big <- merge(big,temp) |
temp.ew <- as.xts(apply(temp,MARGIN=1,FUN=mean),order.by=index(temp)) |
colnames(temp.ew) <- substr(filenames[i],1,4) |
big.ew <- merge(big.ew,temp.ew) |
} |
#use the equal weighted big cap |
portfolio <- big.ew #change to big if you want to see the full 5x5 |
require(fPortfolio) |
#do a frontier plot full series and then 1990-1999 and 2000-current |
#sloppy but it will work |
frontier <- list(portfolioFrontier(as.timeSeries(portfolio["::1999",])), |
portfolioFrontier(as.timeSeries(portfolio["2000::",])), |
portfolioFrontier(as.timeSeries(portfolio))) |
datelabels<-c("1990-1999","2000-2012","1990-2012") |
#get colors with topo.colors for the three frontiers |
#we will use the first 3 of the 4 supplied |
colors <- topo.colors(4)[3:1] |
for(i in 1:3) { |
frontierPlot(frontier[[i]], pch=19, xlim=c(0,0.10), ylim=c(0,0.015), title=FALSE, col=c(colors[i],colors[i]), add=as.logical(i-1)) |
minvariancePoints(frontier[[i]],pch=19,col="red") |
#tangencyPoints(frontier,pch=19,col="blue") |
#tangencyLines(frontier,pch=19,col="blue") |
#equalWeightsPoints(frontier[[i]],pch=15,col="grey") |
singleAssetPoints(frontier[[i]],pch=19,cex=1,col=colors[i]) |
#twoAssetsLines(frontier,lty=3,col="grey") |
#sharpeRatioLines(frontier,col="orange",lwd=2) |
#legend("topleft",legend=colnames(portfolio),pch=19,col=topo.colors(10), |
# cex=0.65) |
#label assets |
stats <- getStatistics(frontier[[i]]) |
text(y=stats$mean,x=sqrt(diag(stats$Cov)),labels=names(stats$mean),pos=4,col=colors[i],cex=0.7) |
#set up function from equalWeightsPoints to also label the point |
equalLabel <- function (object, return = c("mean", "mu"), risk = c("Cov", "Sigma", |
"CVaR", "VaR"), auto = TRUE, ...) |
{ |
return = match.arg(return) |
risk = match.arg(risk) |
data = getSeries(object) |
spec = getSpec(object) |
constraints = getConstraints(object) |
numberOfAssets = getNAssets(object) |
setWeights(spec) = rep(1/numberOfAssets, times = numberOfAssets) |
ewPortfolio = feasiblePortfolio(data, spec, constraints) |
assets = frontierPoints(ewPortfolio, return = return, risk = risk, |
auto = auto) |
text(assets, labels = "Equal-Weight", pos=4,...) |
invisible(assets) |
} |
#equalLabel(frontier,cex=0.7,col="grey") |
#label the frontier dates at minvariance point; again very sloppy but it works |
#text(x=min(frontierPoints(frontier[[i]])[,1]), |
# y=frontierPoints(frontier[[i]])[which(frontierPoints(frontier[[i]])[,1]==min(frontierPoints(frontier[[i]])[,1]))[1],2], |
# labels=datelabels[i],col=colors[i],pos=2) |
text(x=(minvariancePoints(frontier[[i]])[,1]), |
y=(minvariancePoints(frontier[[i]])[,2]), |
labels=datelabels[i],col=colors[i],pos=2) |
} |
title(main="Global Biggest Cap Efficient Frontier",xlab="Risk(cov)",ylab="Monthly Return") |
mtext(side=3, text="source: http://mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu/pages/faculty/ken.french/data_library.html",font=3,cex=0.8) |
#also parallel coordinates of each of the minvariance might be interesting |
minvar <- as.data.frame(rbind((minvariancePoints(frontier[[1]])),(minvariancePoints(frontier[[2]])),(minvariancePoints(frontier[[3]])))) |
rownames(minvar) <- datelabels |
parcoord(minvar,col=colors) |
#might be nice to do animated gif or parallel coordinates of weights or risk/return |
weightsPlot(frontier[[3]])(frontier[[3]])) |