Friday, April 13, 2012

knitr Performance Report-Attempt 1

I get very excited about new R packages, but rarely is my excitement so fulfilled as with knitr.  Even with no skill, I have already been able to adapt the example Yihui Xie provides in his knitr Graphics Manual into a crude first version of a performance report that I could actually show clients and prospects.  Although this is far from production quality, two days of experimentation already has me to a level that assures me of the wonderful potential of combining the existing amazing R packages with knitr.  Before knitr, I do not believe I could have accomplished even this rough first draft.

If you have not played with MiKTeX before, you will need to use the Package Manager to install the xcolor and tufte-handout templates for this example to work properly.  MiKTeX is installed automatically with LyX as discussed in yesterday’s post Latex Allergy Cured by knitr.  If xcolor causes problems, then just change your repository to another repository.


knitr weaved with a little PerformanceAnalytics, lattice, and latticeExtra provides this first draft.  As always, thanks so much to the brilliant contributors that have made this possible.

R code in GIST:

knit2pdf("performance summary.rnw")
%% LyX 2.0.3 created this file. For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
\usepackage[unicode=true,pdfusetitle, bookmarks=true,bookmarksnumbered=true,bookmarksopen=true,bookmarksopenlevel=2, breaklinks=true,pdfborder={0 0 1},backref=false,colorlinks=false] {hyperref}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
\title{Performance Reporting with knitr}
\author{Timely Portfolio}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
% \SweaveOpts{fig.path='figure/graphics-', cache.path='cache/graphics-', fig.align='center', dev='pdf', fig.width=5, fig.height=5,'hold', cache=TRUE, par=TRUE}
<<setup, include=FALSE, cache=FALSE>>=
This sample performance report will begin to highlight the ability of the \textbf{knitr} package to generate marketing materials and client-facing performance reports with a little help from the \textbf{PerformanceAnalytics} package.
Thanks again to Yihui Xie for not only his amazing \textbf{knitr} work but also his numerous examples. His {\url{} (\textbf{knitr Graphics Manual}) will provide the initial template for this report. As I learn, hopefully I will not have to mimic his example so closely.
\section{Performance Summary}
For this first example we will use the prebuilt \textbf{charts.PerformanceSummary} function to visualize cumulative growth and drawdown of the EDHEC style indexes provided by data(edhec). Although \textbf{charts.PerformanceSummary} was primarily intended as an example or template, I hear that it has appeared unadulterated in live performance reports and marketing.
<<loadlibrary, eval=TRUE, results='hide', message=FALSE>>=
<<perf, fig.width=8, fig.height=8, out.width='.9\\linewidth',dev='pdf',echo=TRUE,warning=FALSE>>=
charts.PerformanceSummary(edhec,main="Performance of EDHEC Style Indexes")
\caption{\textbf{charts.PerformanceSummary} provides a nice chart of my favorite measures: compounded return and drawdown.\label{fig:perf}}
With a little help from \textbf{lattice} and \textbf{latticeExtra}, maybe we can get something that might fit my style a little better.
<<perfbetter, eval=FALSE, warning=FALSE>>=
#get cumulative growth of $1
edhec.cumul <- apply(edhec+1,MARGIN=2,cumprod)
#use melt so we can get in a format lattice or ggplot2 likes
edhec.cumul.melt <- melt(,edhec.cumul)),id.vars=1)
#name columns something more appropriate
colnames(edhec.cumul.melt) <- c("Date","Style","Growth")
#get dates in text form
edhec.cumul.melt[,1] <- as.Date(edhec.cumul.melt[,1])
colors <- c(brewer.pal(9,name="PuBuGn")[3:9],brewer.pal(9,"YlOrRd")[4:9])
#plot with lattice
axis = theEconomist.axis,
main="Cumulative Growth of EDHEC Style Indexes")+ layer(panel.text(x=as.Date(index(edhec)[NROW(edhec)]-1),y=round(edhec.cumul[NROW(edhec.cumul),],2),colnames(edhec),pos=0,cex=0.8,col=colors))
<<latticeperf,ref.label='perfbetter', fig.width=8, fig.height=8, out.width='.9\\linewidth',dev='pdf',echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE>>=
\caption{Still a mess but definitely closer to what I expect for production quality reporting. Keep following. I will get better.\label{fig:perf}}


  1. The Tufte class always looks appealing. You probably do not need \usepackage[buttonsize=1em]{animate} unless you are going to show animations in your PDF report :)

  2. Yihui is everywhere. Thanks again for everything, especially your unbelievable work. I was too afraid to remove anymore by posting time. I have removed that line. Will be fun to see what I can come up with.

  3. dartdog-anything similar in Python? Might be a good option for your reporting.

  4. I have google alerts and occasionally I look at twitter. It is just so important to name your software uniquely :)

    just FYI: I'm thinking on Python and other languages in knitr; its design did not actually limit it to R only.
