Wednesday, June 19, 2013

R Plotting Financial Time Series

In my little world of finance, data almost always is a time series.  Through both quiet iteration and significant revolutions, the volunteers of R have made analyzing and charting time series pleasant.  As a mini-tribute to all those who have helped, I wanted to write a short history of R time series plotting, specifically focusing on financial time series.  I have embedded below, but it will look much better if you go to Github pages version.


  1. thought I had fixed; there might be a couple lingering posts. I wonder though if the "data: ..." section from rCharts in the iframe might be the issue. I will try to post a screenshot rather than iframe like in today's to see if that fixes the problem. Thanks for r-bloggers.

  2. I'm in the beta currently and writing about
    it here first

  3. I was going to suggest a change via a fork GitHub but couldn't find the R code on the GitHub rCharts_time_series repo for the gvisLineChart() example. If the R code for the gvisLineChart() is not on GitHub, let me know and I'll just send the suggestion or paste it into a comment.

  4. just realized I have note replied. The .Rmd file contains all the code, but feel free to just paste into a comment and I will make the change. Let me know what works best.

  5. I submitted a pull request a few minutes ago.

    You have really helpful content on your blog!
