I wanted to analyze the EXIF information in a whole group of photos from a recent trip to Disney World. Of course I decided to use R and throw in some interactive charting with d3.js, rCharts, and and the new catcorrjs. Integrating the amazing and open-source Perl exiftool was a fun bonus. Click here or on the screenshot below for all the details.
On the trip I was baffled by some bad pictures. I realized the reason was ISO 6400, which was unintentionally set by the ring on our s100 when handing the camera to strangers for group shots.
Nice use of catcorrjs! One thing that popped for me was the "Respondents" labels that are all hardcoded into catcorr for the time being. I just added an issue to the github page to address this. Feel free to follow along as we address it if you'd like: